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Your chronotype is
Queen or King of the jungle, Lions tend to be go getters and normally don't have trouble sleeping. Habits are where they run into trouble. We recommend a few routine changes to help you better align with your natural sleep rhythm.
And your personalized Sleep Aid below will help even out your sleep.
Order now, risk free with our 1 year no questions asked guarantee.
Download your Free Ultimate Sleep Guide for Lions here...
You're a Bear, the most common chronotype and they tend to have sleep troubles on the weekend. Your personalized Sleep Aid below will include something to help ease you to sleep. You don't need anything too strong, just enough to knock the edge off.
Order now, risk free with our 1 year no questions asked guarantee.
Download your Free Ultimate Sleep Guide for Bears here...
Wolves often times have a hard time winding down at night. Sometimes you just have too much energy to sleep even though its late. Your personalized Sleep Aid below gives you everything you need to get a great nights sleep.
Order now, risk free with our 1 year no questions asked guarantee.
Download your Free Ultimate Sleep Guide for Wolves here...
As a Dolphin, you tend to be anxious and struggle with a racing mind when trying to sleep. Your personalized Sleep Aid below gives you everything you need to relax and get a great nights sleep.
Order now, risk free with our 1 year no questions asked guarantee.
Download your Free Ultimate Sleep Guide for Dolphins here...

The slightest sound or light can keep me awake or wake me.

Food is not a great passion for me.

I usually wake up before my alarm rings.

I can't sleep well on planes, even with an eye mask and earplugs.

I'm often irritable due to fatigue.

I worry inordinately about small details.

I have been diagnosed by a doctor or self-diagnosed as an insomniac.

In school, I was anxious about my grades.

I lose sleep ruminating about what happened in the past and what might happen in the future.

I'm a perfectionist.

If you had nothing to do the next day and gave yourself permission to sleep in as long as you like, when would you wake up?

When you have to get out of bed by a certain time, do you use an alarm clock?

When do you wake up on the weekends?

How do you experience jet lag?

What’s your favorite time to eat?

If you were to flash back to high school and take the SAT again, when would you prefer to start the test for maximum focus and concentration (not just to get it over with)?

If you could choose any time of day to do an intense workout, when would you do it?

When are you most alert?

If you could choose your own five-hour workday, which block of consecutive hours would you choose?

Do you consider yourself . . .

Do you nap?

If you had to do two hours of hard physical labor, like moving furniture or chopping wood, when would you choose to do it for maximum efficiency and safety (not just to get it over with)?

Regarding your overall health, which statement sounds like you?

What’s your comfort level with taking risks?

Do you consider yourself:

How would you characterize yourself as a student?

When you first wake up in the morning, are you . . .

How would you describe your appetite within half an hour of waking?

How often do you suffer from insomnia symptoms?

How would you describe your overall life satisfaction?

Personalizing for